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Access and use by location
The ecological diversity and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef make it popular with locals and visitors.
20 Years of building resilience in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Significant gains in fish numbers and improved resilience for Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef are some of the benefits of a courageous zoning plan introduced twenty years ago.
July 2024 marks 20-years since the introduction of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan.
Protecting Australia’s majestic giants on the Great Barrier Reef
Natures spectacle is in full swing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, as thousands of majestic giants hit the ‘humpback highway’ for their annual journey along Australia’s East coast.
Natures spectacle is in full swing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, as thousands of majestic giants hit the ‘humpback highway’ for their annual journey along Australia’s East coast.
Environmental management charge
Regardless of private business arrangements you may make, as the permit holder it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with the legislative requiremen
Restoration of Reef Islands Project
The Restoration of Reef Islands Project collaborates with Traditional Owners to enhance the resilience of our Great Barrier Reef’s islands, which provide crucial ecosystem services.
Consultation underway
The opportunity for the public to comment on a proposal is an important part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority's environmental assessment and consultative processes.
Consultation - completed
The opportunity for the public to comment on a proposal is an important part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority's consultative processes i
Social Science for the Great Barrier Reef
Social science for the Great Barrier Reef is about understanding and managing people’s relationship with the Reef for the health of both the Reef and the people.
A Saltwater Sisterhood
For Traditional Owners across the Great Barrier Reef, protecting Sea Country is an inherent part of their lives and identities. Through the Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements, a partnership with the Australian and Queensland governments, traditional knowledge and management styles come together with legislative frameworks to form a wholistic approach to managing Sea Country.
For Traditional Owners across the Great Barrier Reef, protecting Sea Country is an inherent part of their lives and identities.