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Remaining impacts from fishing
These practices help to protect the natural environment, maintain the ecological balance of the Reef and contribute to improving its general health.
Land-based run-off
Land-based run-off remains the greatest contributor to poor water quality in the inshore areas of the Great Barrier Reef and is a major contributor to the current poor state of many inshore marine
Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2024: an ecosystem under pressure
A report released today by the Reef Authority has concluded the overall outlook for the Great Barrier Reef remains one of future deterioration due largely to climate change.
A report released today by the Reef Authority has concluded the overall outlook for the Great Barrier Reef remains one of future deterioration due largely to climate change.
Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program
The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan) was developed by the Australian and Queensland governments, together with its partners, including Traditional Owners, industry, scientis
Threats to the Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is a natural treasure and one of the world's best managed marine areas, but like all tropical coral reefs around the world it’s facing serious threats.
Information Publication Scheme
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (the Reef Authority) is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) which establishes an Information Publication Scheme (IPS).
Play is the way for eco-entrepreneurs
Entries are now open for the Reef Guardian Schools Global Eco-Challenge, where students are encouraged to use emerging technologies to explore the Great Barrier Reef and its connected ecosystems.
Entries are now open for the Reef Guardian Schools Global Eco-Challenge, where students are encouraged to use emerging technologies to explore the Great Barrier Reef and its connected ecosystems.
How to apply for a permit
Any proposed activity in the Marine Parks that requires a permission is subject to an assessment and a decision on whether the permission is granted.
Outlook Report 2024
Every five years, we publish an Outlook Report that examines the Great Barrier Reef’s health, pressures, and likely future.