To protect the sensitive values and balance multiple uses at a localised level, site-specific management is required. It is important to consider the rules for these sites when planning your visit.
The sites listed below have either a Site Plan, Site Management Arrangement or a Special Management Area.
Before accessing the site information below, refer to the following information for the Management Area.
- Map 4 (Cooktown)
- Map 5 (Cairns)
- Map 6 (Innisfail)
- Lizard Island to Innisfail map to find where moorings and no-anchoring areas are
- Mandubarra Sea Country extends from Mourilyan Harbour to Maria Creek on the Cassowary Coast and includes the Barnard Islands and the area adjacent to Kurrimine Beach. The Mandubarra Traditional Owners are committed to caring for Country and to pass on knowledge and culture. The following three documents provide advice on key cultural values and share a special message for all visitors to enjoy, respect and care for Country when visiting:
- Mandubarra Sea Country Cultural Values
- Reef walking Kurramine beach
Mandubarra cultural etiquette video
Commercial fishing
- Commercial fishers should read the Special Management Areas to ensure they are familiar with No Dories Detached Special Management Areas and One Dory Detached Special Management Areas (in addition to Zoning).
- For commercial vessels greater than 50 metres refer to your permit, the Cairns Area Plan of Management and the Zoning Plan.
Moorings and anchorages
Refer to the Lizard Island to Innisfail map to find where moorings and no-anchoring areas are.
Cairns Planning Area
In the Cairns Planning Area the following rules apply to all locations:
- Overview Map, detailed Sector Maps and Cairns Area Plan of Management.
- Anchoring is not allowed within 50 metres of mooring or 200 metres of a pontoon except for some sites as listed below.
- Motorised water sport can only occur outside of a location. The use of hovercraft is allowed at Lizard Island Locality 2 only. Personal watercraft can be used for transit within a Location.
- Two spearfishing factsheets are available for the Cairns/ Cooktown Area — Going Spearfishing offshore Cooktown (includes the Cairns Planning Area North of the Daintree) and Going Spearfishing in the Cairns region (includes the Cairns Planning Area South of the Daintree.
- Mandubarra Sea Country extends from Mourilyan Harbour to Maria Creek on the Cassowary Coast and include the Barnard Islands and the area adjacent to Kurrimine Beach. The Mandubarra Sea Country Cultural Values document provides advice on the key cultural values held by Mandubarra Traditional Owners as the custodians of Mandubarra Sea Country.
- Agincourt Reef Location Map
- Intensive use Location
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Five Reef Anchorages available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Pontoons installed — no anchoring allowed within 200 metres
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Private moorings installed– no anchoring within 50 metres
- No structure sub-zone
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Cape Tribulation Locality 1 Map
- Sensitive Location
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Anchoring of vessels less than 35 metres is allowed within 50 metres of a mooring
- One vessel booking per day (for tourism operators — unless endorsed on permit)
- No motorised water sports
- Private moorings installed
- Not part of the Cairns Planning Area
- Historic Site Management Arrangements and map
- No motorised water sports
- Public consultation 2018
- See Ribbon Reefs
- No motorised water sports
- Fitzroy Island National Park Map
- Not part of the Cairns Planning Area
- No-anchoring area marked by reef protection markers
- Use public moorings where available
- National Park Island
- No motorised water sports
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel)
- Tourism operators are able to carry up to 100 people if they are operating to a mooring (otherwise a maximum of 60 people per vessel applies)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Frankland Islands Sector Locality Map
- Sensitive Location
- Low use location (Maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- No-anchoring areas marked by reef protection markers (at Normanby and Russell Islands)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- One vessel booking per day (for tourism operators)
- National Park —
- a sand spit next to the day area on Normanby Island is fenced off from September to March to protect nesting little terns
- commercial operators do not have weekend access with the exception of the existing operation at Normanby Island
- Maritime Cultural Heritage Special Management Area (See Maritime Heritage for more information)
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Green Island Locality Map
- Sensitive Location
- Locality 1 and 2 are Moderate Use Locations (Maximum 60 people per vessel)
- Locality 3 is a low use location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Vessels at least 70 metres must only use their tenders for passenger transfers by the most direct reasonable route
- Four vessel bookings per day (for tourism operators –unless endorsed on permit)
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Hastings Reef Locality 1 is an Intensive use Location
- Hastings Reef Locality 2 is a Moderate use Location (Maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Two Reef Anchorages are available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Pontoon installed— no anchoring within 200 metres
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Hope Island Map
- Sensitive Location
- Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- At East Hope Island Reef anchoring is allowed within 50 metres of a mooring
- Private moorings installed at East Hope Island — no anchoring within 50 metres
- West Hope Island Reef: one vessel bookings per day (for tourism operators)
- East hope Island Reef: two vessel booking per day (for tourism operators –unless endorsed on permit)
- National Park
- No motorised water sports
- No structure sub-zone
- Lizard Island Map
- Lizard Island National Park Map
- Sensitive Location
- Four localities with different levels of use see Lizard Island Map
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Two Reef Anchorages (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres) and two Designated Anchorages (vessels at least 70 metres) are available. Limits apply see Lizard Island Map for more info
- The no bookings limit for tourism operators applies to the Lizard Island Locality 1 Sensitive Location
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area at Lizard Island Reef
- Natural Resources Conservation (Mermaid Cove, Lizard Island) Special Management Area
- Lizard Island National Park
- No structure sub-zone
- Historic Lizard Island Locality 2 Site Plan
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Lizard Island Locality 3 Site Plan
Low Island Locality
Low Island Locality Map
Sensitive Location
Low use setting (maximum 15 people per vessel)
Access to island only between sunrise and sunset (except where allowed, see 2.17 of Cairns Area Plan of Management)
Vessel and aircraft speed limit of six knots
No hull scraping, cleaning or painting
No discharge of greywater, sewage, fresh fish or parts of fresh fish
Aircraft must stay above 1500 feet
Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
No-anchoring area marked by reef protection markers
Private moorings installed — anchoring is allowed within 50 metres of moorings
Passenger transfer pontoon — anchoring is allowed within 200 metres of pontoon
Two vessels bookings per day (for tourism operations)
Historic Low Island Site Management Arrangements Map
Woody Island
Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings where available
Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
Island access closed from September to March to protect nesting pied imperial pigeons
No motorised water sports
Historic Low Isles Management Plan for Low Islets (Low Island and Woody Island) and Reef
- Michaelmas Cay Locality Map
- Sensitive Location
- Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Vessel and aircraft speed limit of six knots
- Boating access channel marked out by buoys
- Four knot speed limit in channel
- No swimming, diving, anchoring or mooring to allow safe access
- No operation of horns, loud speakers or sirens
- Aircraft must remain above 3000 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- One Reef Anchorage available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- One vessel booking per day (for tourism operators)
- Michaelmas Cay National Park — beach access from 9:30am to 3pm, no access to fenced area
- No structure sub-zone
- Michaelmas Cay Tourist Operators Code of Conduct
- Historic Site Plan
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Management Plan
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- One Reef Anchorage available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Moore Reef Location Map
- Locality 1 is an intensive use Location
- Locality 2 is a moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Tourism operators are able to carry up to 100 people if they are operating to a mooring or Reef Anchorage (otherwise a maximum of 60 people per vessel applies)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Three Reef Anchorages available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Two permitted pontoons— no anchoring within 200 metres
- In northerly winds only, a large vessel (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres) may anchor at Moore Reef Locality 2 (outside the Reef Anchorage) in accordance with an approved anchoring strategy
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan (Locality 2 only)
- Intensive use Location
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- One pontoon — no anchoring within 200 metres
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- Moderate use location (maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Tourism operators are able to carry up to 100 people if they are operating to a mooring (otherwise a maximum of 60 people per vessel applies
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Three Reef Anchorages available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area
- No structure sub-zone
- No motorised water sports
- Historic Site Plan
- The levels of use for Locations throughout the Ribbon Reefs varies, refer to the detailed sector overview map for details (Note: Ribbon No. 6 Reef is in a Preservation Zone (pink zone) — no access)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Sixteen Reef Anchorages available throughout the Ribbon Reefs (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Seasonal Closure Special Management Area
- No structure sub-zone (in some areas)
Cod Hole (Ribbon No. 10 Reef)
- Cod Hole Locality Map
- Sensitive Location
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 500 feet
- No anchoring allowed (unmarked no-anchoring area)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Two Reef Anchorages available at Ribbon No. 10 Reef and two at nearby No name Reef (14-139) (2km north of Cod Hole Locality)
- Private moorings installed – no anchoring within 50 metres
- No bookings limit applies to the Cod Hole Sensitive Location (for tourism operators)
- No motorised water sports
- No structure sub-zone
- Snapper Island Reef Location Map
- Sensitive Location
- Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Reef Anchorage available at nearby Sudbury Reef
- One vessel booking per day (for tourism operators–unless endorsed on permit)
- No motorised water sports
- No structure sub-zone
- Sudbury Cay Map
- Sensitive Location
- Low use Location (maximum 15 people per vessel)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Aircraft must remain above 1500 feet
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- One vessel booking per day (for tourism operators–unless endorsed on permit)
- No motorised water sports
- No structure sub-zone
- Thetford Reef Location Map
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Tourism operators are able to carry up to 100 people if they are operating to a mooring or reef anchorage (otherwise a maximum of 60 people per vessel applies)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- One Reef Anchorage available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- No motorised water sports
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area
- Upolu Cay and Reef Map
- Moderate use Location (maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Tourism operators are able to carry up to 100 people if they are operating to a mooring (otherwise a maximum of 60 people per vessel applies)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- One Reef Anchorage available (vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres)
- Private moorings installed — no anchoring within 50 metres
- Upolu Cay National Park
- Upolu Cay Reef Operators Code of Conduct
- Historic Site Plan
- No motorised water sports
- No structure sub-zone
- See Low Isles
- No motorised water sports
- Moderate use Location (Maximum 60 people per vessel or aircraft)
- Vessels less than 35 metres can access and anchor — use public moorings if available
- Vessels greater than 35 metres and no more than 70 metres can anchor outside a Location or at a Reef Anchorage if available
- Public Appreciation Special Management Area
- No motorised water sports