AI transparency statement
In accordance with the Digital Transformation Agency’s (DTA) Policy for the responsible use of AI in government, this page provides the Reef Authority’s statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI) transparency. The Reef Authority is a non-corporate, statutory authority within the portfolio of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and the Reef Authority’s AI Transparency Statement has been adapted from that of DCCEEW to ensure alignment in the responsible use and governance of AI.
The Reef Authority sees potential benefits from the application of AI in the future. The Reef Authority’s commitment to digital innovation aligns with the Australian Government’s Data and Digital Government Strategy, see adopting emerging technologies.
When referring to AI the Reef Authority applies the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) definition:
"a machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment" (OECD).
The Reef Authority commits to using AI in a safe and responsible manner.
How we use AI
The Reef Authority is not currently using AI across any of its domains. Any future uses of AI by the Reef Authority would be documented in future iterations of the AI Transparency Statement and would be based on the Australian Government’s classification system, see Classification system for AI use on the DTA Artificial intelligence in government page.
Public interaction and impact
The Reef Authority is committed to ensuring that the use of AI does not directly impact or interact with the public in significant ways. Any decisions or outcomes generated by AI that could affect the public would involve human oversight or intervention to ensure fairness and accountability.
The Reef Authority will:
- Utilise AI in accordance with applicable legislation, regulations, frameworks and policies.
- Comply with all mandatory requirements of the Policy for responsible use of AI in government.
- Regularly review our compliance as a part of existing governance, and risk management processes.
- Ensure ongoing compliance by embedding a culture that fairly balances AI risk management and innovation.
Accountable official
The Reef Authority’s Chief Digital Officer is the designated AI Accountable Official for the Reef Authority under the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government.
For questions about this statement, please contact
AI Transparency Statement
The Reef Authority’s AI Transparency Statement was last updated on 20 February 2025. In line with the Policy for responsible use of AI in government this AI Transparency Statement will be updated if the Reef Authority’s approach to AI changes, and at least every twelve months.