The Great Barrier Reef is recognised as one of the world’s best managed coral reef ecosystems. It is our great privilege and responsibility to conserve and enhance the resilience of this unique and special place.
Together with the Traditional Owner groups of the southern Great Barrier Reef, we have embarked on a new chapter in marine park management and are developing a Southern Plan of Management for the area south of approximately Midge Point to the southern boundary of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (the Marine Park).
- View Public Notice to prepare a Plan of Management (including Investment Warning)
- View a map of the proposed Southern Plan of Management Area boundary or view the boundary as a downloadable layer from Reef GeoHub.
- View the Southern Plan of Management Joint Statement with Traditional Owners.
This Plan of Management aims to safeguard all values of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park while allowing for multiple uses in a sustainable manner, reducing conflicts among users and increasing the resilience of the Reef in light of climate change impacts. Through the planning process, we will identify actions and strategies we all can take to conserve, restore and enhance the values of the Great Barrier Reef.
Collaboration is crucial for a successful plan of management. Traditional Owners, industry, government and of course the wider community all have an important role to play. Community input will help us understand the region's values and threats, and so that these values can be managed holistically.
The Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (through the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service & Partnerships) is collaborating with the Reef Authority so that the Plan is complementary with management of the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park (State) and island national parks.
The Plan will align with the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, which is Australia’s over-arching strategy for managing threats to the Reef, including climate change, poor water quality, coastal development and direct human use.

The Southern Plan of Management drafting process
Public consultation – Stage 1 complete and report published
Two stages of public consultation are required for the development of the Southern POM.
The first stage of public consultation (19 March – 19 June 2024) focused on community input on how the Marine Park is used, what aspects are valued, what threats are perceived and management ideas in the proposed planning area.
We received 193 submissions in total, via online, email and verbal submissions. The information, comments and ideas provided will be analysed to inform the development of management arrangements and strategies for the Southern POM.
A report providing an overview of input received is below. A summary of the detailed report is also included.
The information provided in the report is not meant to represent any stakeholder group, particular demographic, or region within the identified catchment regions. The information is solely that which was received as part of the open public consultation process. The Reef Authority recognises that the information provided by members of the public may include areas outside of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. That information may not be addressed as part of the Southern Plan of Management process.
- Southern Plan of Management Stage 1 – Public Consultation 2024 In Brief
- Southern Plan of Management Stage 1 – Public Consultation Report
What’s next?
The information, comments and ideas provided in submissions will be analysed and will be taken into consideration during the development of the Southern POM.
The Reef Authority and its partners will continue to inform and collaborate with stakeholders throughout the process.
Once the Southern Plan of Management is drafted, it will be released for another (final) round of public consultation. We look forward to receiving your input.

Frequently asked questions
A plan of management is a legislative document under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 to conserve the Marine Park’s values, provide for multiple uses and minimise user conflicts. A plan of management can be area or species based and is a key management tool used in the Marine Park.
The southern part of the Great Barrier Reef contains many special and unique values including Traditional Owner cultural values, hundreds (and a diversity) of coral reefs, various species of fish, turtle, dugong, seabird and shorebirds and provides for a range of experiences.
Over time, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef (as well as along the entire Great Barrier Reef) has seen increasing pressure from various uses (e.g. recreation, tourism, fishing), downstream impacts (e.g. to do with catchment run-off and coastal development) as well as the universal impacts of climate change. The Southern Plan of Management (Southern POM) is needed to address specific conservation and management issues in the southern region of the Great Barrier Reef, considering its unique environmental and cultural factors.
Together with Traditional Owner groups of the Southern Great Barrier Reef and in collaboration with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Partnerships, the Reef Authority is developing a new Southern Plan of Management for the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef (the entire Great Barrier Reef Marine Park just south of Midge Point).
The Southern Planning Area encompasses the full extent of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park just south of Midge Point (most of the Mackay/Capricorn Management Area), except for a small area at the northern boundary where the boundary follows the Yuwi Native Title Determination boundary and then joins up with the Mackay/Capricorn Management Area boundary. Refer Map.
There are two phases of public consultation: Phase 1 - Public Notice to propose a Plan of Management and Phase 2 - comments on the draft Plan. These phases provide opportunities for the community to share their views and concerns.
During Phase 1, input on how the Marine Park is used, what aspects are valued, and what threats are perceived was received. In Phase 2, feedback on the draft plan's content and provisions will be sought.
The feedback gathered during public consultations will be considered and used to refine the Southern POM. It will also inform updates to existing management plans for the entire Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
The development of the Southern POM is expected to take two to three years, as it involves extensive research, stakeholder engagement, and legal considerations.
The Southern POM will a) improve protection and conservation of values, b) provide for sustainable use, c) manage conflicts, and d) develop strategies to enhance resilience.
We will make public announcements and provide updates on the Southern POM's development and opportunities for public engagement on this webpage. For any further enquiries, please email SouthernPOM@gbrmpa.gov.au.