Master Reef Guides are striving to be the world’s leading reef guides and interpreters sharing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
As reef ambassadors they impart up-to-date scientific and management information about the reef and explain what people can do to make a difference. Follow our Master Reef Guide Facebook and Instagram social media channels for updates and announcements.

Current nomination opportunity
Nominations are now closed for the Master Reef Guide program. Stay up to date with any future nominations via the Master Reef Guide Facebook page.
Who can nominate?
Recognised High Standard Tourism Operators in the Great Barrier Reef can nominate suitable staff to become Master Reef Guides.
Selection Criteria for Nomination
- Nominees must:
- Work for a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority recognised High Standard Tourism Operator and/or be identified as a Great Barrier Reef tourism interpretation specialist.
- Be nominated and endorsed by the High Standard Tourism Operator the nominee works for.
- Be over 18 years of age.
- Be able to demonstrate contemporary and accurate knowledge on the Great Barrier Reef – its cultural, biological, ecological, geological, and historical values and the management in place to protect it.
- Have worked for a minimum of 12 months with a High Standard Tourism Operator on the Great Barrier Reef, or able to demonstrate equivalent experience.
- Have completed the Reef Discovery Course – all modules in the Master Reef Guides version. Nominated staff should request access to the Reef Discovery Course via email and supply their name, email address and state in the email that they are seeking access to the Master Reef Guide training portal. Please ensure you have been nominated by your High Standard Tourism Operator for the current intake for the 8th Cohort of Master Reef Guides.
- Complete and passed the online Eye on the Reef Training Program for Tourism Weekly and Reef Health Impact Surveys.
- Create a 2-minute video piece to camera. This must be of them presenting or guiding on a particular species or behaviour of interest from the Great Barrier Reef for example, octopus colour, coral warfare, goatfish etc.
- Must be professional in appearance and credible in knowledge sharing.
- Be experienced in delivering interpretation and guiding on the Great Barrier Reef.
- Be committed to working in the Great Barrier Reef tourism industry as a Master Reef Guide for a minimum of 12 months.
- Be committed to attending ongoing training including an induction field-school (five days) and at least one masterclass a year.
What you will need before you submit the nomination:
- Ensure your nominated reef guide can meet all the above selection criteria.
- Ensure your nominated reef guide has completed the Reef Discovery Course – all modules of the Master Reef Guide version.
- Ensure your nominated reef guide has completed the online Eye on the Reef training for Tourism Weekly and Reef Health Impact Surveys
- Ensure your nominated reef guide has created a 2-minute video piece to camera. This must be of them presenting or guiding on a particular species or behaviour of interest from the Great Barrier Reef for example, octopus colour, coral warfare, goatfish etc.
Two-minute video criteria:
- Must be no longer than 2 minutes in duration.
- Must be uploaded to YouTube ensuring private settings are set to only those with link. If you need help with this, please email
- Must be on a topic of significance to the applicant.
- Can be filmed anywhere.
- Special effects are welcome but not mandatory and must not take away from applicant’s delivery.
High Standard Tourism Operators are invited to click on this link to complete the nomination form.
The selection panel may also apply further considerations to cohort selection including:
A. Limit of one nominee per tourism operator.
B. A guide’s experience in delivering interpretative and education experiences on the Great Barrier Reef.
C. Company, region, and demographic spread along the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.