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Douglas Shoal environmental remediation project
When coal carrier Shen Neng 1 ran aground in April 2010, it caused extensive damage to Douglas Shoal.
Sea temperature
Sea temperature plays a critical role in the life of marine species and warming oceans are causing widespread and severe impacts.
Coastal development
The Great Barrier Reef catchment is used for agriculture, urban and industrial development, mining, port activities and island development.
Child Safe principles and procedures
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is an organisation committed to child safety and to the implementation of Child Safe principles and procedures.
Our thoughts are with everyone worldwide who is continuing to keep us all safe from COVID-19 and with all the communities and industries affected, including some of our valued stakeholders.
Naming of reefs and undersea geographic features
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Australian Hydrographic Office and the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have an agreed process for naming reefs and oth
Spatial Data Information Services
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Reef Authority) is responsible for publishing the official zoning maps of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Responsible Reef Practices
When enjoying the many different activities and experiences on the Great Barrier Reef, it is important to enjoy them in a responsible and 'reef friendly' way.
Tourism Management Action Strategy
The Tourism Management Action Strategy outlines how tourism on the Great Barrier Reef will be managed, and how the Authority will support tourism, whilst protecting the Reef, into the future.