First established in 1999, our Reef Advisory Committees comprise a cross-section of stakeholder interests with expertise and experience in relevant areas.
In 2014 the Marine Park Authority Board established the Tourism Reef Advisory Committee and appointed the membership.
Members are appointed as a representative of a particular group or sector (e.g. industry, recreation, government) or for their linkages to Traditional Owner groups along the Great Barrier Reef catchment area. The Board of the Marine Park Authority appoints members of the Reef Advisory Committees for a term of three years and members are eligible for reappointment.
A key role for the Reef Advisory Committees is to advise the Marine Park Authority on actions that can be taken to address the risks to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park that are identified in the Great Barrier Reef Region Strategic Assessment Report, the Great Barrier Reef, Great Barrier Reef Blueprint for Climate Resilience and Adaptation (Blueprint 2023) and the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report.
The Reef Advisory Committees work closely with the Marine Park Authority staff to provide advice on operational issues and to assist in the development of policy and strategic direction in the management of the Marine Park.
All members are encouraged to adopt a broad perspective on the issues addressed, mindful of our agency's objectives and corporate priorities. Each Reef Advisory Committee meets two to three times during a financial year, on dates confirmed by the committees at the end of each preceding meeting. Meetings are generally held in Townsville, north Queensland.
Charter and terms of reference
The Charter of Operation sets out the procedures by which the committees function, including reporting requirements, members’ responsibilities, attendance, the relationship between the Reef Advisory Committees and our other committees and the support provided by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
Terms of reference have been developed, defining the vision, objectives, scope and deliverables of each individual Reef Advisory Committee.
The terms of reference identify ways in which each committee can advise us on matters in order to build a greater understanding of issues relating to the management of the Marine Park, including conservation, ecologically sustainable use and Traditional Owner issues.