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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Reef Authority’s) Corporate Plan 2024–25 — the centrepiece of our annual corporate planning cycle — sets out our strategic direction.

The Corporate Plan 2024–25 outlines our purpose, strategic objectives and targeted delivery initiatives, as well as clear measurable performance criteria and targets to assess the Reef Authority’s progress in achieving its purpose.

The Plan also covers important topics such as our approach to planning and reporting, operating environment, our capability, and partnerships.

Collaborating with all levels of government, Traditional Owners, our partners, and stakeholders is critical to improving the health and resilience of the Reef.

The Plan is developed in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 requirements.

Together with the Portfolio Budget Statement and Annual Report, it forms the planning and performance framework for the Reef Authority. 

Our vision

A healthy Great Barrier Reef for future generations.

Our purpose

Provide for the long-term protection, ecologically sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef for all Australians and the international community through the care and development of the Marine Park.

Our strategic objectives for 2024–25

  1. Enhancing Reef resilience by providing expert knowledge to advise key decision makers on managing, reducing or avoiding significant threats to the Reef.
  2. Enhancing Reef resilience through innovation, management and regulation of the Marine Park and our in-field presence.
  3. Enhancing Reef resilience through partnerships, collaboration and education.
  4. Supporting a high-performing organisation.

To support advancing these objectives, our annual operating plan outlines the yearly focal points that will progress our work: 14 priorities and 32 delivery initiatives.


Reef Authority staff out in the field working on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Aerial Island image on the Great Barrier, Queensland, Australia
Master Reef Guide snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Island on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Queensland, Australia
Great Barrier Reef reefscape, Queensland, Australia
Updated 20 Mar 2025
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