What are Local Marine Advisory Committees?
The Local Marine Advisory Committees are a network of community members and management partners including Traditional Owners, state and local governments who provide advice to the Reef Authority on key Marine Park management issues. These voluntary community-based committees provide a forum for stakeholders to discuss issues and provide locally specific input into Marine Park management.
- Nine committees stretching across the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Area provide a forum to:
- provide advice to the Reef Authority on Marine Park issues and management proposals relating to the Great Barrier Reef
- promote the exchange of information between Reef stakeholders, the Reef Authority and management partners
- encourage, through local community networks, actions that reduce threats to the Reef and build Reef resilience (as identified in the Reef Blueprint, Outlook Report and the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan).
- The purpose of the Committees is to:
- provide advice to the Reef Authority on Marine Park issues and management proposals which support the long-term protection, ecologically sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef.
- promote the exchange of information between the Reef stakeholders, the Authority and management partners; and
- encourage, through local community networks, actions that reduce threats to the Reef and build resilience (as identified in the Great Barrier Reef Blueprint for Climate Resilience and Adaptation, Outlook Report, and the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan).
The terms of reference provide further information on how the committees help the Marine Park Authority and other management agencies keep in touch with marine and coastal issues at a local level and understand the use of the Marine Park.
There are 9 Local Marine Advisory Committees:
The Cape York Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) region extends from Bloomfield River in the south to the top of Cape York. It includes the catchments of the Endeavour and Annan Rivers and the Normanby, Morehead and North Kennedy Rivers (which drain into Princess Charlotte Bay), Stewart, Lockhart, Pascoe and Olive Rivers.
Regional focus
With an east coast focus, the Cape York LMAC provides a forum for individuals and local groups with an interest in managing the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Cooktown is the administrative centre for the large Cook Shire; however, there are a number of smaller but significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities within the Cape York LMAC region, including Wujal Wujal, Hopevale, Laura, Coen/Port Stewart, Lockhart River and communities in the Northern Peninsula Area (Bamaga, Injinoo and Seisia).
The Cape York region is renowned for its vast, spectacular natural landscapes and remoteness. The region contains areas of exceptional conservation value, including relatively intact and extensive coastal dune fields, wetlands, rainforests, heathlands, and river and marine ecosystems.
Much of the east coast of Cape York is under Aboriginal ownership or management and contains large and significant national parks. Indigenous Land and Sea Management Programs and centres have been established at Cooktown, Coen/Port Stewart, Lockhart River, and the Northern Peninsula Area.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Cal Clarke - Recreational fishing
- Callum Teale Browne - State Government - QPWS
- Cameron Bourne - Sailing/boating/kayaking
- David Clarke - Local Government
- Jenni James - Education (Secretary)
- Jessie Price-Decle - Conservation (Chair)
- Kathy Ann Lawfer - Diving/snorkeling
- Kerry Clough - Diving/snorkeling
- Lee Hess - State Government
- Sarah Frew - Local Government
- Trevor Meldrum - Traditional Owner
- Tyler Clarke - Recreational User
- Yohan (Yodie) Batzke - Traditional Owner
The Douglas region includes the traditional land and sea country of the Kuku Yalanji, Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples.
Regional focus
It is a rich cultural landscape of great significance to Traditional Owners who have lived in and cared for this country for many thousands of years. The region’s rainforests and reefs form part of the Traditional Owners’ identity. Today, Traditional Owners remain actively involved in managing their country, including the World Heritage-listed Wet Tropics Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef.
These World Heritage-listed places make the Douglas region a world-renowned tourist destination. Its rainforest-clad mountains, coral reefs, unspoilt beaches, freshwater rivers and coastal lowlands are outstandingly beautiful and biodiverse.
Tourism is the largest industry in the region, with Port Douglas being the central hub for people visiting the reef and rainforest. With an 80 per cent economic reliance on tourism, the Douglas Shire is ranked as the most tourism-dependent region in Australia.
The sugar industry is the second largest contributor to the local economy. Mossman sugar mill was built in 1894 and has operated continuously since that time. Most agricultural land in the region is used for sugar production, and cane fields are a key feature of the area’s rural lowlands. European settlers to the Douglas region occurred in 1876 when a port was established to service inland goldfields.
Port Douglas was eventually eclipsed by the port of Cairns, but the Douglas region continued to develop into a diverse community.
The Douglas Local Marine Advisory Committee’s focus is on building community resilience and delivering positive outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef and its catchment. The health of these places is critically linked to the health and well-being of the Douglas community.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Abigail Noli - Local Government
- Cathy Johnson - Diving / snorkeling
- Derek Brown - Charter boat / fishing guide
- Bruce (Didge) McDonald - Conservation - Douglas Shire Sustainability Group
- Heather Platt - Education (Chair)
- Lili Jansen - Conservation
- Melissa Mitchell - Local Government
- Paige Strudwick - Research
- Rana Dadpour - Research (Secretary)
- Richard Campbell - Charter boat / fishing guide
- Simone Burrows - Conservation
- Tina Alderson - State Government
The Cairns Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) covers Buchan Point in the north (Cairns Regional Council) to Flying Fish Point in the south (Cassowary Coast Regional Council) and includes the Cairns northern beach suburbs, Gordonvale and Babinda.
Regional focus
Cairns is one of Australia's most popular holiday destinations. More than two million visitors a year are attracted by the tropical city's easy access to the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef and rainforest.
The natural environment and relaxed lifestyle also attract a steady stream of new residents, providing Cairns with one of Australia's fastest urban growth rates.
Most of the region's population of 130,000 is concentrated in the city, northern beaches and a southern growth corridor extending to Gordonvale. The rest of the coastal plain is cultivated mainly for sugar cane.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Abbi Scott - Research
- Adam Fletcher - Ports/shipping
- Andrew Howell - Recreational fishing
- Andrew Ratter - Diving/snorkeling
- Boyd Lenne - Treeforce Cairns
- Charmaine Hard - Education
- Clargie Saltmere - Sailing/boating/kayaking
- Dan Walton - Local Government
- Daniel Beard - Research
- Eric Fisher - Tourism
- Graham Cuff - Recreational fishing
- Jacob Matysek - Industry (Secretary)
- Jennie Gilbert - Conservation
- Karen Miller - Commercial fishing
- Ke Han Lin - Independent
- Lucan Sinclair - Sailing/boating/kayaking
- Nicole Hitchcock - State Government
- Owen Schubert - Commercial fishing
- Pablo Cogollos - Tourism
- Shannon Bredeson - Conservation
- Stewart Hicks - Conservation - Independent
- Terrence Cummins - Diving/snorkeling (Chair)
- Trevor Tim - Local Government
- Zoe Hiddins - Education - Independent
The Hinchinbrook - Cassowary Coast Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) covers Flying Fish Point north of Innisfail to Balgal Beach in the south and includes the towns and surrounds of Innisfail, Mission Beach, Tully, Cardwell, Ingham and Lucinda.
Regional focus
This is arguably the wettest and greenest place in Australia and grows 80 per cent of the nation’s bananas, lush cane, tropical fruits and fat cattle.
It includes the catchments of the mighty Johnstone, Tully, Murray and Herbert Rivers. Visitors are attracted to the region's green mountains, sleepy beachside villages and offshore islands, especially the outstanding Hinchinbrook Island.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Adam Mervyn-Jones - Charter boat/fishing guide
- Adele Pile - Diving/snorkeling
- Ben Davidson - Tourism
- Carmen Walker - Conservation
- Carolyn Osterhaus - Research
- Damon Sydes - Local Government
- Dan Schaper - State Government
- Jade Pryor - Indigenous Community
- James Epong - Indigenous Community
- Jason Stack - Charter boat/fishing guide
- Jeff Baines - Local Government (Chair)
- Lachlan Taylor - Charter boat/fishing guide
- Marcus Sheaves - Research
- Matt Price - Tourism
- Melissa Ball - Traditional Owner
- Michael Nash - Natural and cultural resource management (Secretary)
- Micheal Acheson - Recreational User
- Patrick Lynch - Local Government
- Patrick Honan - Business
- Ronald Sirolli - Diving/snorkeling
- Steven Lizzio - Agriculture
- Tom Ziebell - Education
The Townsville Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) covers coastal and inland areas extending from Balgal Beach in the north to Haughton River in the south and includes the city of Townsville (with its northern beach suburbs and Magnetic Island) and Palm Island.
Regional Focus
Townsville is the primary administrative and industrial centre of North Queensland and has an international reputation for marine research and management. It boasts the Centre of Excellence for Marine Research at James Cook University, Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australian Institute of Marine Science and the head office of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.
The manufacturing and public administration sectors provide strong contributions to the economy. Major industries include beef processing, grazing, and mineral refining. Population and development continue to grow.
The city's strong defence presence supports the region's development and population growth. Defence, education, and other government personnel make up a large percentage of the Townsville workforce.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Adam King - Ports / shipping - Port of Townsville
- Brad Callcott - Aquaculture
- Bridget Ferguson - Conservation
- Cherie Malone - Sailing/boating/kayaking - Townsville Yacht Club
- Crystal Falknau - Conservation
- Darcy Roeger - Natural and cultural resource management
- Dave Stewart - Charter boat/fishing guide
- Diana Condylas - Business
- Jon Day - Conservation
- Julia Zivanovic - Conservation (Secretary)
- Kara-Mae Coulter-Atkins - Natural and cultural resource management
- Kay Kunze - State Government
- Kristian Mandaran - Ports/shipping
- Michael Detenon - Local Government
- Mick Bishop - Federal Government
- Natasha Rodwell - Conservation
- Patrick Centurino - State Government
- Sharon Marks - Conservation (Chair)
- Stephen Rodan - Conservation
While the Whitsundays Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) typically meets at Airlie Beach, it covers the coastal and inland area extending from Yeates Creek in the north to Midge Point in the south and includes the coastal towns of Proserpine, Airlie Beach and numerous island and beachside settlements.
Regional focus
The Whitsunday Region supports the towns of Proserpine, Airlie Beach and surrounding communities. Whilst Tourism is a significant industry in the Whitsundays, attracting over 700,000 visitors to the region each year, the sector also incorporates fishing, aquaculture and agriculture activities. Sugar cane production is the main agricultural activity in the Proserpine area.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Adrian Bram - Charter boat/fishing guide
- Brent Chatterton - Diving/snorkeling - Independent
- Brent Stephenson - Education
- Cass Hayward - Natural and cultural resource management
- Chayne Carter - Recreational fishing
- Cinzia Cattaneo - Conservation - Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership (Mackay Whitsunday Isaac)
- David Burch - Recreational fishing
- Deanna Vierling - Conservation (Secretary)
- Guy Butterworth - Indigenous Community
- James Devery - Recreational fishing
- Jessica Funnell - Tourism
- John Moloney - Aquaculture
- Liana Lillford - Natural and cultural resource management
- Lisa McMullen - Tourism
- Nathalie Hartman - Diving/snorkeling
- Nicola Stokes - Ports/shipping
- Nicole Rosser - Tourism
- Olivia Brodhurst - Conservation (Chair)
- Sarah Jordan - State Government
- Scott Hardy - Local Government
- Steve Fisher - Conservation
- Tony Fontes - Conservation
- Trevor Rees - Tourism
The Capricorn Coast Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) covers the coastal and inland area extending from Arthur Point in the north to the northern point of Curtis Island in the south.
It includes the coastal towns of Emu Park and Yeppoon, the Byfield National Park, Stanage Bay, and the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area.
Regional focus
The Capricorn Coast, named for its position on the Tropic of Capricorn, is a 30-minute drive from Rockhampton in central Queensland. Not far off the coast is a group of islands famous for visitors, known as the Keppel Islands.
The city of Rockhampton sits astride Queensland's largest river, the Fitzroy. Rockhampton is known as the beef capital of Australia, with, on average, a regional cattle population of up to three and a half million head per season. Rockhampton exports cattle to world markets with meatworks and sale yards operating in the region.
Mining is the primary industry of inland central Queensland, but agriculture is also vital, with crops of grain, cotton, fodder, citrus and grapes grown near Rockhampton.
Crops grown along the coast include pineapples, pawpaws, bananas, custard apples, and other fruit and vegetables for the local and southern markets. The region also has extensive pine forests, producing timber for local mills.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Barry Mullane - Diving/snorkeling
- Bob Muir - Indigenous Community (Chair)
- Emily Willis - Education
- Jamison Scott - Independant (Secretary)
- Jo Stoyel - Conservation
- John McGrath - Recreational User
- Joshua McCall - Education
- Kalen Barrett - Traditional Owner - Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
- Karen Pomfrett - Volunteer Marine Rescue
- Mac Hansler - Natural and cultural resource management
- Mark Edmistone - Tourism
- Natalie Hick - Agriculture
- Rider Graham-Emmerson - State Government
- Robert Muir - Traditional Owner
- Stephen Gummer - Tourism - Independent
- Tim Price - Charter boat/fishing guide
Gladstone Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) covers the coastal and inland area extending from Curtis Island in the north and Rocky Point in the south. This includes the city of Gladstone and the coastal towns of Boyne Island, Tannum Sands, Agnes Water and Town of 1770.
Regional focus
Named initially Port Curtis by Matthew Flinders in 1802, Gladstone is sheltered by Curtis and Facing Islands and was given its name in 1853 to honour British statesman Sir William Gladstone. The region increased with the establishment of meatworks and gold rushes in the west. In the 1960s, Gladstone underwent significant industrial expansion, which continues today.
The region's principal city, Gladstone, is Queensland's premier port city and boasts several of Australia's most significant industries in an area of thriving trade, commerce and investment. For example, two of the world's largest alumina refineries are located here.
Tourism and primary production (particularly beef, cattle and timber) provide an essential economic contribution to the community.
Marine activities, including fishing and crabbing, plus several national parks and historical sites, provide the community with abundant recreational activities.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Codey Stow - Traditional Owner - Gidarjil Development Corporation
- Daniel Aeschlimann - Sailing/boating/kayaking
- Dave Orgil - State Government
- David Kopelke - Education
- Emma Jackson - Research
- Gail Riches - Education (Secretary)
- Hannah King - Natural and cultural resource management
- Ian Anderson - Conservation
- Jesse Castle - Recreational User
- Jessica Cooke - Tourism
- Jodi Jones - Conservation
- Karen Davis - Local Government
- Karl French - Education
- Kathleen Swalling - Business
- Kim van Oudheusden - Conservation
- Megan Ellis - Ports/shipping
- Michael Gabriel - Education
- Rebecca Hendry - Local Government
- Stuart Kininmonth - Research (Chair)
- Thomas Chirnside - Recreational User
- Tony Di Rosa - Recreational fishing
The Burnett Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) extends from the Burnett and Bundaberg regions, and the coastal and inland area extends from Rocky Point north to Burrum Heads south.
Regional focus
The Burnett area is also known as the Coral Coast and is a popular tourist destination due to its close proximity to Fraser Island and Hervey Bay. The largest centre is the city of Bundaberg, which is the most southerly access point to the Great Barrier Reef. The city lies on the Burnett River.
The area is an important sanctuary for humpback whales on their northern winter migration to breed. The coastline hosts a number of significant sea turtle breeding and nesting grounds.
The main industries in the region comprise facets of the sugar industry, including distilling and cane harvester manufacturing, as well as horticulture of small and tree crops such as macadamias, forestry, grazing, fishing and marine, light aircraft manufacturing, metal casting, machining and tourism.
- Local Marine Advisory Committee members:
- Brett Lakey - Tourism
- Brett Gamlin - Recreational fishing
- Dale Holliss - Agriculture
- Daniel Kimberley - Aquaculture
- Greg O'Neill - Local government
- Jamison Scott - Independant (Secretary)
- John Gatley - Conservation
- John Johnston - Recreational boating
- Judith Stutchbury - Education/research
- Karen Anderson - Independent
- Kylie Dunlop - Queensland government
- Maggie Inglis - Conservation
- Margaret Blackman - Traditional Owner - Gidarjil Development Corporation
- Mark Mergard - Tourism
- Mike Middleton - Recreational boating (Chair)
- Mike Moller - Catchment community
- Ron Hutchesson - Diving/snorkelling
- Steve Hoseck - Queensland government
- Tracy Olive - Conservation
- Tim Smith - Education/research
- Wayne Honor - Local council
Summary of advice to the Reef Authority
Join your local committee
Are you a keen fisherman, sailor or diver? Do you work in aquaculture, tourism or shipping? The ways we connect with the Reef are almost as diverse as the Reef itself. This is why it’s important that we consider the perspectives of the wide range of people connected to it as we work together to manage it for the future.
As a Local Marine Advisory Committee member, you will have access to an information exchange through a Reef focused network like no other. We are seeking individuals with a keen interest in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park management and their local region, either professionally or personally, who are interested in keeping informed about the management, sustainable use and conservation of the Great Barrier Reef, and can provide advice that will guide how it is managed.
For more information, contact lmac@gbrmpa.gov.au.
Want to join your Local Marine Advisory Committee? Fill in the Local Marine Advisory Committee nomination form here.