The managing agencies assess the application against mandatory assessment criteria to see what risks the activity may pose to the values of the Marine Parks. Before a decision is made, the managing agencies ensure that identified risks to Marine Parks environment, biodiversity and heritage values can be either avoided or appropriately managed. If the risk to the Marine Parks are considered too high, a permission application may be refused.
Assessment approaches
When a new permit application is received, the managing agencies must decide which of five assessment approaches will be used to assess the relevant impacts of the proposed activity. Assessment approaches are assigned to an application based on its complexity and risk level. To learn more about the different assessment approaches, in particular routine and tailored assessments, see this fact sheet.
Our assessment guidelines explain the general approach the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority uses when assessing applications for permission.
Joint assessments
Most assessments are conducted jointly with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service—refer to Permission System Policy for further information on the joint permission system.
Some assessments are conducted jointly with the Commonwealth Department of the Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water or the Queensland Coordinator-General under processes established in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the Regulations. For further information refer to the EPBC referral deemed application information.
Native Title
Under the Native Title Act 1993, the managing agencies notify all registered native title holders or claimants of any activity requiring a permission that is proposed to occur on or near their claim or determination area. The notification period is 30 days — the assessment guidelines provide further information.