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You don’t have to go to great depths to fall in love with the Great Barrier Reef — just ask Brooke Owens who exudes sheer delight and passion when she talks about her work to protect the icon — but is yet to take a dive into the deep waters!

Brooke was born and raised in Townsville with a strong connection to Sea County, while her family come from the Gulf of Carpentaria - Tagalaka and Kukatj Traditional Owners.

Inspired by her mother to take on roles in Indigenous affairs, she has previously worked in positions to support and empower First Nations people at the National Indigenous Australians Agency and Services Australia.

Brooke’s determination to improve outcomes for mob combined with a love affair with the Reef, made her a perfect fit for the Reef Authority’s Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRA) team.

“Before I started in my role as TUMRA Program Manager six months ago, I had limited knowledge of the Reef but just knew that I wanted to be part of a Traditional Owner led program that helps to build the capacity and capability of those on Sea Country,” Brooke said.

Three women standing above pool of water

For 20 years the TUMRA Program has been delivering a dynamic culturally based partnership that protects the Cultural Authority, Traditional Lores, Customs and Values of Traditional Owners, together with the Reef Authority.

More than 43 per cent of the Marine Park coastline is managed under these agreements.

“We collaborate with Traditional Owners to deliver their aspirations for their Sea Country, such as focusing on threatened species, increasing the capacity of their ranger groups, and the restoration of reefs,” Brooke said.

Brooke is also determined to increase community awareness of TUMRA — this includes taking the plunge into public speaking to highlight the benefits and growth of the successful program.

“As my role is both challenging and rewarding, work doesn’t seem like work when it’s something you enjoy and are passionate about.

“So, my advice to other people considering a career change, don’t second guess yourself, be open and brave to new experiences!”

You will be glad to know that Brooke is planning her first snorkelling trip to the Reef, with lots of excitement and some trepidation — unfortunately she suffers from motion sickness.

But she says it will be worth it!

Updated 10 Mar 2025
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