We’ve developed a range of valuable resources about the Great Barrier Reef and the Reef’s health and management that are suitable for a variety of interests — from school students studying the Great Barrier Reef to marine managers in other locations around the world who are seeking information about coral reef management.
Accessing information
Our public information unit can provide copies of free zoning maps and respond to general calls and emails for information. You can reach them on (07) 4750 0700 or via email info@gbrmpa.gov.au.
Journalists and film crews seeking interviews or filming opportunities should contact our media team.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority's Information Services provides information systems, tools, collections and services.
It acts as the custodian of much of the agency's published material, which is available online through the Publications e-Library.
Public access to Information Services is by appointment only. You can discover a wealth of online information and imagery using these information systems:
Email: informationservices@gbrmpa.gov.au
Information Services
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
PO Box 1379 (235 Stanley Street)
Townsville QLD 4810, Australia
Reef Explorer
An interactive database containing geological maps of reefs, islands, rocks and cays, Marine Park boundaries, transportation and shipping regulations, plans of management information, marine habitats and zoning information.
Spatial Data Information Services
Spatial data relevant to our work, including spatial layers available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Marine Park reference map
A visual outline of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, along with the major catchment boundary.
Zoning maps
There are nineteen zoning maps for the Great Barrier Reef, which provide information on the activities that can take place in each location.
Eye on the Reef
Our Eye on the Reef program provides a range of tools, including mobile and desktop apps to assist with assessing and monitoring reef health, marine animals and incidents.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s publications e-Library. A collection of reports, maps, reports, brochures, papers, newsletters, policies, guidelines, book excerpts, multimedia, site plans, books, forms, communique, conference abstracts, strategies, agreements, articles, procedures and teaching aids.
Library Catalogue
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority library collection covers subjects that include marine research, environmental sciences, environmental policy, governance, tourism, fisheries and social sciences.
Information for libraries
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Library Services participates in inter-library loan and document delivery schemes through Libraries Australia's LADD scheme. GBRMPA Library’s holdings in the National Library of Australia’s catalogue are identifiable by the NUC symbol: QGBR.
Contact the library
Email: informationservices@gbrmpa.gov.au
Phone: 07 4750 0838
Library's mailing address:
PO Box 1379
Public access
The Library's collection records are listed in Trove, the National Library of Australia's discovery service. To search for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority records in Trove, go to the advanced search page, enter your search terms and, at the bottom of the page, enter "Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority library" or QGBR in the "Organisations" search box. This will restrict your search to QGBR records only.
Online image collection
A collection of spectacular online images of Australia's most famous natural wonder, the Great Barrier Reef. Register for an account to access the database.
Legislation, regulations and policies
A range of plans, regulations and legislation related to protecting the Marine Park.
Tools to help you get to know the zones and the activities allowed in each zone.
Site-specific management
Localised plans for use of a particular sites, identifying significant values of the specific site and describing current management arrangements for these sites concentrating on specific use issues and cumulative impacts at the site.
Caring for the Reef
Interested in the health of the Reef? Everyone, regardless of where they live, can take environmentally-friendly actions at home, work and school. There’s also Responsible Reef Practices for recreational users who are visiting the Great Barrier Reef.
Our news room contains information for journalists, including our latest news releases, media team contact details, and information on filming and photography guidelines for crews who are visiting the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
Reef Beat education series
This education series encourages teachers and students to explore the amazing Great Barrier Reef, threats to the Reef, ways to protect the health and resilience of the Reef, and the people who are working together today to help protect the Reef for tomorrow.
Reef Guardian School portal
Marine science syllabus focused materials and marine science focused information pack. Hands on science activities focused on learning about the Reef, coastal habitats and environmental issues.
The Reef Discovery online course is a convenient online education package which aims to improve knowledge and understanding of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, its cultural connections, biological diversity, management and protection and how best to interpret this information to visitors.
The comprehensive training course is a free online course covering the A-Z of all things Great Barrier Reef and how best to share that knowledge with visitors. Designed as a primer by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the course aims to inspire people to learn more about the Reef, how valuable it is and how to deliver accurate information about it in an interesting and memorable way.
This course is suitable for anyone with an interest in the Great Barrier Reef a a passion for discovery.
It consists of 10 modules and is a one-stop-shop course that synthesises and describes the World Heritage values of the Reef and the latest science and management information in a contemporary format.
On completion of the modules, you will be sent a certificate of completion.
To receive your invitation, email reefdiscoverycourse@gbrmpa.gov.au with your details.
The Great Barrier Reef belongs to all of us and everyone has a role in ensuring this great natural icon is protected for future generations to enjoy just like we do.
No matter where you live, you can undertake actions that are good for the marine environment and show your support for the Great Barrier Reef.
There are lots of little things you can do at home, at work, and at school to help the environment and the Reef.
Find out how you can get involved in helping protect the Reef.
Subscribe to our e-newsletters for regular updates on news, events, awards, research, announcements and training opportunities, the latest Reef monitoring and reporting data, community projects and stewardship programs, tourism and local reef actions