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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (the Reef Authority) is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), which establishes an Information Publication Scheme (IPS).

The IPS requires agencies to publish a broad range of information on their website.

Under the IPS, the Reef Authority must publish, amongst other things, an agency plan that describes how we propose to comply with the IPS requirements.

Read our Agency Plan

In addition to the agency plan, the Reef Authority has published the following information on our website, as required under the IPS:

Most recent list of files created:

Other files created between:

Senate Procedural Order of Continuing Effect No. 12 - Indexed List of Files

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority provides indexed lists of files in accordance with Senate Continuing Order No. 12 - Orders for documents. Titles of files created in the agency are to be indexed twice a year:

  • for the Autumn sitting: Files created in the preceding six months (July to December)
  • for the Spring sitting: Files created in the preceding six months (January to June)

In accordance with the Order, the list of files does not include:

  • files transferred to the National Archives of Australia
  • case-related files (for example personal representations or dealing with the personal affairs of departmental or agency clients), and
  • files essentially related to the internal administration of the agency (staff or personnel, accounts, training, or general administrative matters)

Other information in file titles have been removed in accordance with the Order including:

  • commercially confidential information
  • identifiably personal information, and
  • any security classified information which is disclosed in or which could reasonably be established from a file title.

Access to individual files:

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, members of the public can seek access to documents managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Updated 3 Mar 2025
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